
Showing posts from October, 2023

Climate Change Essay Outline for CSS

  The climate crisis is a moral and spiritual challenge facing all of humanity. Climate Change and Its Implications: A Way Forward 1. Introduction of climate change Climate change refers to the marked changes in the climate of a particular area, region, or country over a longer period. There are various reasons for the climate crisis the most notable are anthropogenic activities. The climate change effects include a rising temperature of the earth, melting of ice sheets and glaciers, warming of oceans, frequent wildfires, sea-level rise, floods, and droughts. To cope with the devastating effects of climate change, world governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations, multilateral forums, and civil society organizations must collectively take immediate action. 2. Is Climate Change a Real Threat? Yes, climate change is real and one of the most dangerous threats to life on Earth. Some Factual Pieces of Evidence "Scientific evidence for the warming of the climate system ...

CSS Gender Studies: 07 Reasons Why You Should Opt It

  Socioeconomic and political challenges faced by women in Pakistan are beyond comprehension. Women constitute nearly half of the country's population, and sadly though, they are subjected to discrimination in every sphere of life.  However, it is a sign of good omen that more and more men are realising the importance of women in society and particularly in the progress of the nation. Policymakers in the highest echelons are working laboriously to bridge the gap between men's and women's contributions toward the development of the country.  For that matter, the Federal Public Service Commission , the top body for the recruitment of Civil Servants in Pakistan, had changed the CSS syllabus back in 2016 and uploaded CSS new syllabus adding gender studies to the list of optional subjects.  The sole purpose of including Gender Studies in the CSS syllabus was to instil in the aspirants of the competitive exam, the background knowledge of this core area so that the aspiran...


  All-Time High Scoring Subjects Passing the CSS exam by scoring high marks is the dream of hundreds of thousands of aspirants every year. High-scoring subjects play a key role in any competitive exam.   Those who pass the exam with high marks are considered to be the luckiest people.  The aspirants need to know which subjects may yield them good marks so that they may achieve allocation in their desired groups.   To help students achieve high marks, we have enlisted these 08 high-scoring subjects in the CSS exam.   If students opt for these subjects and prepare them well, they will surely achieve good marks which will ultimately help them in their final allocation.   08 High Scoring Subjects in CSS Exams    01. Anthropology   Anthropology is a new subject in the list of CSS optional subjects. This subject was added in 2015 for the CSS 2016 exam and onward when the new syllabus was uploaded. Many of the aspirants are unaware of the scoring tr...